By: Brusca Law
1. Do Not Call your Attorney Everyday. Time is money for both you and your attorney, and you each only have so much of it. You might be tempted to speak with your attorney about any and all issues concerning your pending divorce, but simply neither you or your attorney can afford to do this. Type written summaries, outlines, and emails may at times better convey the information you might want to relay and will cost you far less. If you must speak with your attorney, schedule a time to do so in advance rather than call and expect them to answer immediately.
2. Check your Emails Twice a Day. Attorneys typically communicate with their clients by email these days, primarily because they are in court so much. Your attorney should send you copies of any and all pleadings they filed on your behalf, and keep you updated on scheduling events. Once an attorney gives you dates for upcoming events, remember they are not there to remind you about the events over and over again—that is your responsibility. Make sure your email account is synced with your cell phone so that you can check it twice a day and respond promptly.
3. Find a Notary, Buy a Scanner, and Get Your Systems in Place. Your attorney will need you to sign documents, have them notarized, and do it quickly. Know where you can go by your home and work when you are asked to sign something during the work day. With today’s advances in technology, almost everyone has a camera on their phone. Use your phone’s camera to send your attorney signed documents or any other pieces of evidence they might need. And finally, if you haven’t already done so, buy a printer with a scanner. You will need to send your attorney sometimes voluminous documents and you will need a fast, and efficient way to do this.
4. Speak with your Attorney Before Your Hearing, Deposition, and Trial. Not every hearing will require that you speak with your attorney before it occurs, but some do. Make sure you email your attorney before the scheduled event to see if they need any information from you and learn about updates you might need to know. If you bring any documents with you to the hearing, deposition, or trial, make sure you bring 3 copies. Most attorneys do not bring a portable copier with them, and they will need copies in order to use them on your behalf.
5. Bring a Notepad to Court. You will want to speak with your attorney when you are in Court and your attorney might want to speak with you too. A notepad solves this issue, and allows you to communicate with them without interrupting the hearing. It is important to understand that when you want to whisper something to your attorney during a hearing, they shift their attention to what is going on in the courtroom to then listen to you. You do not want your attorney to be distracted by you and miss something crucial in court, so try and use the notepad as much as possible.